Swimming Pool Rules
1. Depth of the pool is 4 feet only
2. There is no life guard on duty
3. Use pool at your own risk.
4. The management is not responsible for any untoward incidents
5. Watch your children. You are responsible for their safety
6. Look after your belongings. The management is not responsible for any losses or damages
7. Shower thoroughly before entering the pool
8. People with wounds, boils, pimples, allergies, infections not allowed
9. Dress: Carry your swimming costume in hand. Change into pool clothes just before entering pool:
(a) Men: Swimming trunk or shorts. (Underwear/Shirt/ T-shirt - not allowed)
(b) Women: Swimming costume, shorts/ tights + T-shirt (Any other dress – triple rates)
(c) People with long hair must wear a cap at all times
10. No running / jumping / diving / pushing / rough play
11. Do not get into pool after consuming alcohol
12. No food or drinks allowed in or around pool
13. Pets not allowed in the pool
14. Ask our staff for directions to restrooms. Do not mess grounds/pool
15. Pool entry hours: 9 am to 12 noon. (Lunch; 01:00pm to 02:00pm) 02:00 pm to 05:00 pm
16. All payments to be made before entering pool
17. No refunds
18. Management reserves the right to deny use to anyone at any time
19. Decision of staff on duty is final and binding
20. Contacts:
(a) For availability: 73584 02794 (Balu)
(b) Feedback: 94443 84608 (Maj. Roy) (WhatsApp)
These instructions/ rules are meant to ensure safety, hygiene and enjoyment for everyone.
Please cooperate with us to make your outing enjoyable and safe.